Telenco protect its employees and customers

Telenco protect its employees and customers

Containment, cause of families, friends or collaborators' distancing, has underlined the relevance of Very High-Speed networks. Videoconferencing, calls or e-mail exchanges have revealed the essential need to be able to rely on high-performance, durable and maintained networks. Every player in the telecommunications market has played a major role since the beginning of this health crisis. Despite a tough economic context, Telenco has deployed the necessary resources to maintain its activity and provide material to the various telecom network operators and installers. The Group pursues its deliveries throughout France while carefully following the government's recommendations. By adapting working conditions, Telenco is committed to protecting its employees, but also its customers.


To preserve their health, the majority of our administrative teams are teleworking. Our logistics teams and some of our employees are working at Telenco’s offices. Working in full safety leads the Group to distribute surgical masks, hydroalcoholic gel and latex gloves to each employee. Temperature measurement is strongly recommended before each shift.

In order to respect social distancing of at least 1m between employees, the offices have markings on the ground that also indicate the direction of the flow. In May 2020, Telenco had a bacteriological and virologic study carried out on all its buildings to guarantee the absence of COVID-19.
Compliance with barrier gestures is essential. Telenco has compiled them in a guide distributed to all employees to raise awareness and automate some reflexes such as washing hands or coughing into one’s elbow.

How do we look after our customers? Telenco, in partnership with its carriers, is committed to delivering by appointment while respecting the barrier gestures.
In our agencies, in Nanterre (Paris area), Saint-Martin-le-Vinoux (French Alps area) and La Possession (Reunion Island), no-contact withdrawal is available to customers. Once the order has been prepared, the customer can come and signal his presence by directly calling the agency. The package is then dropped off at the entrance by our sales team. The collection slip must be signed with a personal pen to avoid any propagation of the virus.

Telenco stays by your side, even at work. The Marketing and Purchasing departments reference and make available to customers new products that ensure the protection and respect of barrier gestures for technicians.