Telenco Groupe completes its first Carbon Footprint!

Telenco Groupe completes its first Carbon Footprint!

As part of its CSR approach, and more specifically its commitment to the environment, this year the Telenco Group carried out its first carbon footprint for the 2022 scope.

With the aim of reducing consumption, Telenco will carry out this calculation every year in order to monitor changes in its impact on the climate.

The carbon footprint calculation is carried out according to the guidelines of the GreenHouse Gas Protocol (GHG Protocol), that provides standards, guidance, tools and training for business and government to measure and manage climate-warming emissions.

Scope Emissions (tCO2eq) %
Scope 1: Direct emissions linked to fuels (petrol, diesel from vehicles, gas from boilers, etc.) 812 1,000%
Scope 2: Indirect emissions linked to electricity (electricity consumption in the Group’s various buildings) 763 0,939%
Scope 3: All other emissions associated with a company’s activity 79 648 98%
Total : 81 222 tCO2e


The main actions identified concern the following areas:

  • Optimising products and their packaging
  • Using lower-emission modes of transport
  • Reducing waste
  • Using more recycled raw materials

Telenco will achieve these objectives by working on a detailed action plan from the first half of 2024!